Saturday, January 25, 2014

Conservation of energy

Remember we talked about the different forms of energy:

  • Kinetic: energy as a result of motion
  • Potential: energy as a result of the position of a body
  • Chemical: energy stored in foods and chemicals
  • Mechanical: energy in a mechanical system
  • Light: energy of electromagnetic waves
  • Sound: energy as a result of the vibration of matter
  • Nuclear: energy released from nuclear fission or fusion
  • Heat: energy transferred by a difference in temperature
  • Electrical Energy: energy as a result of the flow of electric charge
Also, we talked about the Principle of Conservation of Energy which states:

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only converted from one form to another.

Here is a fun video about energy conversions:

(Hope you actually took some time to read the text)
Also, you can consider energy changes in electrical appliances such as radios, televisions. microwaves etc.

Your syllabus also requires you to know the importance of conserving electrical energy.

Here are some ways energy can be conserved:

Hope you enjoyed it :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Beginning

Hello Students!

This blog has been created to engage you in your physics studies outside of school hours.

If you did not understand something in class, or are weak in a particular topic, you can come here and strengthen your skills in this relaxed setting.

Homework, assignments and class activities will be posted here to your benefit. There will be video tutorials and lessons to help you at any time.

Feel free to comment, ask me questions and even interact with your classmates about homework, assignment etc. via this blog.

Check this blog weekly for updates and have fun learning!