Form 5 Labs

Lab #4

Date:                     4th February, 2014
SBA no.:               7
Title:                     Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum
Aim:                      To demonstrate the principle of conservation of linear momentum
Materials:           Newton’s Cradle

1.       Pull the first ball aside and release. Record your observations.
2.       Pull balls one and two aside and release. Record your observations.


Record your observations in a suitable manner. Remember, your observations should be written in present tense.

Data Analysis: (Answer in paragraphs)

1.       Explain your observation in procedure 1.
2.       Explain your observations in procedure 2.
3.       What would you expect if three balls were pulled aside?
4.    Why does the system eventually slow down?


What did you learn from the experiment?

(This link provides a useful simiulation which can be used to carry out this lab)

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